I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting lately, and I’m starting to realize just how much a local community makes a difference when it comes to small businesses. Seriously! As much as we want to think nationally or even globally when it comes to business growth, our bottom lines are almost always tied to the depth of our local relationships.
I think finding ways to show love to your local community is one of the best ways to develop those local relationships that help get you through every season of business. Here are some ways to cultivate and deepen your local relationships:
Join the chamber of commerce, go to the events, and get to know other local business owners in the area on a more personal level. Follow those local businesses on social media – support them, leave comments, and share their posts. Make them feel seen and loved by your business, whether or not there can be a business relationship with them right away.
What workshops or events can you put on that better the community and get you more connected? For example, I recently partnered with my local chamber of commerce to do a social media workshop with some of the local business owners. This gave me the opportunity to give back to them, but now they also know a little about me and my approach to business. Even if they aren’t in a position to hire me to manage their social media, it could lead to more business down the road.
What would this look like for you? You could set up a booth at a farmer’s market or local event, host an ice cream or coffee social, or donate to a raffle that benefits a local non-profit. Think outside the box – the sky is the limit!
One of the best ways to develop deeper local relationships is to become the person that knows everyone and that everyone knows. Get to know other business owners so well that you know their business and who their ideal client is. Then when you find that ideal client (as you’re looking for yours), you can refer them to that business owner. People will start coming to you to find other businesses to solve their problems, and they will continue to come to you when YOU are the one who can solve their problems. When you do this, the businesses that you refer to will also keep an eye out for you, and send referrals your way as well. It is a win for all parties involved!
There are so many great ways to get involved in the local community, and for them to get involved with you! I highly suggest making it a priority so your business relationships can get stronger as the year goes on.
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With over 15 years of experience, I've worked with countless small businesses just like yours. I can provide you with the tools and resources that will help make marketing less overwhelming.