So I’m going to be honest… It’s really, really hard to grow on Instagram right now. Like really. It’s not just in your head, and you’re definitely not a failure. It’s just hard.
Whether it’s because of “the algorithm,” platform saturation, consumer fatigue, or the expansion of paid ads, it’s easy to feel like giving up or thinking that it doesn’t matter if you post at all. The fact is…you can do everything “the experts” (me included) tell you to do, and sometimes, it works…other times, it doesn’t.
While that is probably the worst, most frustrating answer ever, I don’t want you to get discouraged. I want you to shift your mindset and approach your social media activity with a fresh, no-pressure attitude. Here are a few tips to help.
Take a deep breath, and stop obsessing over growing! The stress of it simply isn’t worth it. It’s not productive for you, your business, or your social media growth. Try adjusting your mindset instead. You do NOT need 10k followers in order to have a successful business. What you need is a solid customer base. So, instead of focusing on growth, focus on connecting with and serving the followers and customers that you already have. Whether it’s 200 or 20, if you can have a real, authentic connection, that will go further than 10k shallow followers ever will.
A lot of small business owners have very limiting beliefs about social media that turn into barriers to a productive mindset. They’ll say things like, “I don’t look good on camera,” or “nobody cares that I’m writing in my journal, or what I’m eating for breakfast, or that I’m packing orders,” or “the algorithm hates me,” or “I just can’t come up with good enough content.” You also may be feeling overwhelmed with how much there is to do, and you simply don’t have time to do everything.
If you want a shot at growth, you need to get rid of the beliefs that are holding you back. The truth is, everything is content. People are engaged when you’re writing in your journal or eating your breakfast – they see you’re just like them. They love seeing behind the scenes of the business, and they love knowing the true person behind the product.
And at the end of the day, consistency is what matters, and posted is better than perfect. Let me say that again: posted is better than perfect. So stop letting these small things stop you from moving forward.
So many people have this attitude of, “I tried everything and it doesn’t work.” But let me ask you with all the love in my heart: have you? Have you really tried?
Take a look at your track record. Have you consistently implemented all of the growth strategies you’ve been taught? Have you posted on a consistent schedule? Have you started making and posting reels regularly? Have you engaged with your audience in stories, direct messages, and in the comments? You have? For more than a week? In my experience, it takes over a month to actually gain real traction. So have you really tried?
Once you’ve taken a good look at what you have and haven’t done, look at what you’re willing and able to do. My advice would be to pick ONE thing that you can CONSISTENTLY deliver on. Whether it’s posting a reel every Friday, starting (and finishing) a post series, showing up in your stories, going live, or sharing a personal story every week, make a plan that is going to get you into the habit of showing up.
See, consistency is not just for the algorithm. It’s for you. Get in the habit of posting, even if it’s one small thing. Then, when you’re comfortable with that, add another small thing. Keep doing that little by little until you’re where you want to be. Do that all while prioritizing connection, and you’ll feel so much better about your social media presence, regardless of the number of people in your following.
You want to know the truth? I teach my clients all about reels and preach the importance of using them in your content strategy. And you know what? I’ve posted a whopping 2 of them to my own business account in the past year.
Now, there are many reasons that I haven’t done it – and many of them are valid! First of all, most of my time and attention (and reels-making energy) goes to my clients. If you have a busy, thriving business, you might also be overwhelmed and too busy to follow all of the recommended growth strategies. And you know what? That’s OK. Give yourself a break. And do one of three things:
And wouldn’t you know it, when you remove the stress and expectations related to your results, posting becomes less of an overwhelming task that is dragging you down. You’ll have higher quality connections with your existing customers. And when you’re ready to implement another “growth” strategy, you’ll have the energy and the enthusiasm to actually do it!
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With over 15 years of experience, I've worked with countless small businesses just like yours. I can provide you with the tools and resources that will help make marketing less overwhelming.