In part 1 of this series, we talked about two types of short-form video content that are important for you to create for your small business: evergreen video and trend-inspired reels. (Read part one here!)
Before we jump into talking about trends and how to adapt them for your particular industry and business niche, I wanted to take a minute to remind you that:
You can approach Instagram Reels in a way that works for you – with your schedule, available resources, preferences, and personality.
The key to utilizing social media effectively is to develop a realistic strategy that prioritizes consistency instead of spurts of activity followed by stretches of inactivity.
So as we dive into this next section – don’t feel pressured to commit to something you can’t deliver on.
And with that, let’s dive into trend reels:
Remember those video-related boundary questions we asked last week? Those are more important than ever when talking about trend-inspired reels. Your answer to those questions will guide you as you figure out what trends you want to adapt.
You know when you’re scrolling and you notice that the same music or sounds or formats keep showing up in your feed? Those are trends.
Your mission when creating this type of content is to adapt the current trending reel format for your business. Most trending videos are driven by music or sounds and involve lip-syncing, dancing and pointing, or reactions.
I’ll admit, this type of reel is the one that is probably most intimidating to business owners. Not only is it nerve-wracking to put yourself out there doing something far outside of your comfort zone, but it also takes some work to identify and adapt the trends so that they will work for your niche. They are constantly changing, and it can be difficult to keep up with what trends are popular and which ones are already played out.
The upside to this type of reel is that the Instagram algorithm favors trending audio, so people outside of your current followers are more likely to see a reel that is trend inspired. This can help you gain more awareness in your industry and grow your following, ultimately leading to better relationships and more sales. Mixing these in can give you more visibility, and as a bonus, your other reels are more likely to pop up in your followers’ feeds.
The best way to find inspiration on which trends to hop on board with is to simply watch reels or TikToks from other people. These can be reels from professionals inside your industry, but really any video can inspire you to create content. Getting to know what’s out there, and what’s out there NOW, is a big part of whether or not you will be successful with this type of video content.
When you find a reel that you like and it spurs some creative ideas for how you can adapt it or put your own spin on it, save it! The save button on a post is all the way to the right and looks like a a little hanging banner. It might also be hiding behind a 3 dot menu if you have your feed on “reels viewing mode.”
Tip: Set a timer to scroll social media specifically for research and inspiration purposes. It is SO easy to get sucked into reels for hours on end, and the point is to be productive for your business. Figure out how much time you can devote to research, set a timer, and STICK TO IT. It’s amazing how much you’ll be able to find in even a short window of time.
Now that you’ve been inspired by a reel trend, it’s time to make it relevant to YOUR business. There’s a certain amount of creative thinking that goes into this type of Reel. You can’t change what the audio is saying, but you need to figure out how to tie it into your business.
You don’t need to do exactly what everyone else is doing, and you don’t need to recreate a viral reel or something you found funny. Think about how to put your own spin on it and make it relevant to your followers.
When you’re reviewing your saved reels, think of ways you can creatively share your thoughts on something industry related, show off your product or service, or react to a business-related myth. The possibilities are endless! Experimentation is key, especially as you’re getting started, so just pick something and roll with it!
The hardest part of creating social videos may just be getting over what other people think. Don’t be afraid to be “cringe.” Don’t worry about looking silly. Once you get over that initial fear, you’ll realize that everyone else who is successful with reels simply does not care what anyone else thinks. Or if they do…they are doing them anyway!
And just to ease the pressure for those of you who are still overwhelmed by the idea of using trend inspired reels: you DON’T have to jump on every trend! You don’t need to learn the dances. If a trending audio doesn’t have any application for your business, you don’t have to use it. But it’s good to be aware of what’s going on and take advantage of this type of reel when you can.
So there you have it – two big categories of short-form video content to explore when you’re getting started with reels. Please let me know if you have any questions, and if you want a hands-on training session, register for my Reels Workshop on February 22nd at 10am in Chicago.
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With over 15 years of experience, I've worked with countless small businesses just like yours. I can provide you with the tools and resources that will help make marketing less overwhelming.